Thursday, April 10

of packages and gifts

Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
Leo Buscaglia (author)

Got the package today. Beautiful accessories. Well done, Sony, for making a point and shoot that can work with lenses and filters.

Also, received a very interesting message on my FlickrMail from a new friend. He gave me great ideas and instructions on how to work with my new Photoshop CS2 experience.

Went through loads of photos and comments in this Flickr group I belong to. That was more dizzying than taking my meds.

Went to work today. After so many days of staying home due to tummy problems.

Note: got me a wide angle and a tele lens for my camera.

Makes me want to give my talent back.




Hi You left a comment to me. As a matter of fact you are my first comment ever. Thanks you made me smile:) I am a Latter Day Saint (Mormon) and we meet in are congregations and they are called wards. Thanks for your interest. By the way your photos are beautiful!Suzy

Chie Sipin - Bjarenas said...

thanks for the compliment on the photos. ah, now i understand what you meant by that. =)

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