The last weekend was quite exciting. Mans and I went up and over a mountain to reach Lovina. Lovina happens to be the dolphin village in Bali. I wanted to see dolphins. Mans wanted a weekend of rest and exploration.
We left the "Strawberry Farm of Death" (as Mans aptly re-named a strawberry farm in Bedugul) at 12-ish and arrived at Lovina by 1.30pm. It was a gruelling ride full of twists and turns.
If you're doing your maths right, you'll notice the five hour estimation was a bit off. But with lunch and pics to make... we made good time, I think.
We watched a dolphin show at 5pm that afternoon. Tired but excited at the having a weekend of our own.
We spent the night (ofcourse... I daren't travel the mountain at night!).
And headed back Sunday morning. We did a little stopover (and a hike) early in the ride home so we could see the Gitgit Waterfalls.
Started at 10-ish that morning. Arrived home at 2pm. Exhausted but real happy about the trip (and achievement, I must say) that we just had.
I think it's always fun to travel and get lost and find your way back home when you have someone to watch it all happen with you. =)
Your photo's are amazing!
thanks mai =)
wow... its beautiful i love the dolphin!!!
Its a fun way to spend holidays...
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